Galactic Gadgets and Cerealian Considerations ~ 14 Jun 2023

Currently the Sun in Gemini moves into an opposition with the Galactic Center in Sagittarius, exact on 18 June, all the while square Neptune in Pisces. Concurrently, Mercury in Gemini slides to oppose The Great Attractor’s Sagittarian cosmic home. Could this be a time of enhanced galactic access? Absolutely. However, a consciousness caveat comes with it. Involved are two oppositions supplementing a not-so-friendly angle to Neptune. This gaseous giant grants the knowing in every fiber of your being whether something rings true or not, all the while holding no regard for whether the insight feels comfortable or not. Given the two oppositions, initially it may appear that all the good insight currently present directly stands in the way of your master plan.

Actually, that’s not true. It just feels that way. Placing the cursor of consciousness on all radar blipping insights actually works wonders. Consider all data points, though initially difficult to reconcile in your current reality. Sit with them past the point of the knee-jerk reaction of “I don’t have the bandwidth for new information! Now not! Probably not ever!” Neptune knows that sensitivity overwhelm accompanies this new information. As such, he applies psychic salve to the inflamed conditions of saturation and exasperation. During the application of soothing remedies, that’s when things feel most irritated and sore.

As the season changes (21 Jun) Ceres hopscotches into Libra where she remains until 14 September. A fun fact for the last moments of Ceres in Virgo we now enjoy. She was known as “Ceres the Great” or “Ceres the Awesome.” The classical poet Virgil referred to her as Ceres Legifera, more pointed by semantical implication, to attribute the goddess as “Ceres the Law-Bearing.” Ceres in Libra supposes that a more palatable means of addressing challenging facts and information may be headed our way if we get out of the way and consider all things galactic.

Early during Ceres sharing the essence of Libra she is squared by Mercury on 25 June. At the same time she aligns with the Super Galactic Center. Certainly, this should let a cosmic cat or three out of the bag. Gravitationally granted by this super cluster in Libra, the stage is set for depersonalizing life reactions and creating context within well-established boundaries that promote soulful reactions instead of responding to circumstances through highly-charged personality hiccups.

While in Libra, Ceres achieves the following aspects:

Ceres quincunxes Jupiter in Taurus on 5 August. Make sure applied beliefs line up inside.

Ceres opposes Chiron in Aries 19 August. Standing up for yourself is good for what ails you.

Ceres opposes Eris, North Node in Aries 2 - 3 September. You’re not excluded, unless you declare and believe you are.

Ceres squares Pluto in Capricorn 10 September. You want power? Advocate for the best causes out there applying the best and most impeccable cosmic insights available. Now, that’s power!

The above sequence completes the mythic triangle between Ceres, Jupiter and Pluto. These three met under adverse circumstances (the abduction of Ceres’ daughter) and yet they came up with a negotiated solution that while pleasing no party entirely, was fair and served to prevent catastrophic outcomes. That’s something to keep in mind these days as the blitz of incoming information may approach “straw that broke the dromedary’s spinal cord” sensations.

A few days into the new season, on 25 June, Mercury moves into the exact opposition to Galactic Center, square Neptune in Pisces. During the following few days, information spigots slowly shut off. Keep in mind that from now through essentially the end of June, galactic gizmos fall from the sky with greater appearance than iguanas falling from trees during a hard freeze. All those insightful iguanas demand you take a warming to them before determining your final disposition of their appearance.

Similarly, apply galactic insights to any obstacle that appears to impede, intercede, intertwine or otherwise interfere with stated life objectives. For Ceres in Libra, it is important to assert the realization that it’s not personal when any blockage(s) posed by any life condition or person(s) intersecting your path with differing agendas seems to clog up the works.

When confronted by contradictory concepts or annoying potholes on the path, remember galactic gizmos are at hand, and they intend to simplify your actions once mental clarity about the apparent distraction resolves.

During the next couple of weeks one might successfully apply any or all of the following suggestions:

Throttle down intensity. Distractions and disruptions are not the end of the world.

Reduce knee-jerk reactions. Create situational context.

Use information and data to remove the perceived emotional sting felt by Saturn in Pisces when life seems to point out your plans require mental tweaking, perhaps correction, definitely upgrading.

Instead of disregarding rules of engagement, figure out the best possible means of stating your case and maintaining impeccability with the moral and legal high ground. After all, Ceres was affirmed to be the Law-Bearing goddess. Be on the right side (cosmically) and do the right thing.

No need to go wonky, wobbly, or fly off way too high with Icarus-like wings. Sure there’s a heap of loft, entitlement and superiority (as far as attitudes go) involved in the transits. Figure out the obvious, dang-near-tripped-on-it realization that demands your attention and conjure a means to apply all the groovy galactic insights showering the planet with real world gadgetry and methods that ease all paths forward.

The best news here... the plethora of insights available are free for all those who pause to recognize, download, ingest and apply.

More soon.